Plan your visit

Buchlov Castle – National Cultural Monument

Buchlov Castle Geographical coordinates: latitude 49°07’00”N / longitude 17°19’00”E
49°6'26.93" N, 17°18'39.09" E – look in the map


There is no parking for visitors directly in front of the entrance gate of the castle.
Please observe the traffic signs and restrictions for the entrance to the castle.
Parking for visitors is located from the entrance to the castle at a distance of up to 200 m.

The car park operates a small town Buchlovice and is leased to private tenants
Management of the castle is not liable for the method of selection of the parking fee. Before you pay the parking fee, we recommend that you check that the castle is open – HERE.

The amount of the fee established anchor tenant – per a car 30 Czk, per a bus 100 Czk (duration of parking for 24 hours).

Your satisfaction with the service provided choosing a parking fee please write to ​​​ (